速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Law Of Attraction Guide

Law Of Attraction Guide





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Law Of Attraction Guide(圖1)-速報App

The law of attraction states that the world is full of vibrations. Vibrations also called as Vibes can be negative or positive. Positive vibes create positive energy around you and negative vibes create negative energy around you. So by using law of attraction you can create a positive energy around you. You are aware about the saying 'What goes, comes back.

Law Of Attraction Guide(圖2)-速報App

As these world is full of energy vibrating positive energy in universe will return positive energy to you. Noting these fact we can achieve anything in life, all you have to do is radiate positive energy in universe by wishing what you need in life. To achieve these you have to follow some steps. It is mandatory for you to follow these steps everyday so that you can harness Universe's energy to achieve your Dreams

Law Of Attraction Guide(圖3)-速報App

A key part of the Law of Attraction is understanding that where you place your focus can have an intense impact on what happens to you. If you spend your days wallowing in regrets about the past or fears of the future, you’ll likely see more negativity appearing, but if you look for the silver lining in every experience then you’ll soon start to see positivity surrounding you every day.

Law Of Attraction Guide(圖4)-速報App